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TheCityOfLoma LindaCalifornia


RFP and RFQ Postings for the Community Development Department

Thank you for your interest in working with the City of Loma Linda. The following projects are available: 


The City of Loma Linda is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced professional firms (Consultant) to prepare an Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and other CEQA documentation as required for a proposed five-story, 105,000 square-foot medical office clinic/ building. Due: Monday, March 4, 2024, by 4:00 PM PST.


Updated 6th Cycle Housing Element 2021-2029

A revised draft 6th cycle housing element update has been prepared to response to HCD's comment and staff requests. The public review period is from September 15, 2023 to September 22, 2023 (7 days).  All interested citizens are invited to provide written comments during the public review period. Please address all comments or questions to Lorena Matarrita at [email protected] or drop off your letter at the community development department at city hall. 

Background Following a year long process that included many community workshops and public hearings, the Draft Housing Element was adopted by City Council on February 8, 2022, along with an addendum to the 2006 Final Program Environmental Impact Report prepared for the General Plan. The Adopted Draft was sent to HCD for review and comment. The technical revisions subsequently requested by HCD were completed and incorporated. However, further revisions were requested since HCD's previous view and they can be found in this latest draft. The highlighted text within the document is what has been added to respond to HCD's specific comments. Click on the links below to review the document.