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TheCityOfLoma LindaCalifornia

Injured Animals

Injured stray animals are transported to a veterinarian for basic emergency medical care. If the animal is wearing identification or is microchip implanted, we make immediate attempts to locate and notify the owner. If the animal is not wearing identification, the veterinarian will assess it's medical condition and decide whether or not the animal is stable enough to be held at the shelter after basic emergency medical care has been rendered. If the animal is not well enough to be transported to and held at the shelter, it will be humanely euthanized by the attending veterinarian.

Injured animals picked up evenings and weekends are taken to the Animal Emergency Clinic, located at 12022 La Crosse Ave in Grand Terrace (909-783-1300). If your animal is missing and you are unable to reach Animal Control, we encourage you to contact these Veterinary Hospitals to see if your pet has been taken there.

Animal Control will not pick up deceased pets.