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TheCityOfLoma LindaCalifornia

Plan Check Guidelines

For a Tent Application click here.
For a LL AM&M Form click here.


The intent of this guideline is to clarify certain requirements for refrigeration systems regulated by Chapter 6 of the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC) Section 608. Not all refrigeration system requirements will be identified in this guideline.

Chemical Classification Disclosure

This guideline was developed to assist businesses in complying with the provisions of California Fire Code Chapter 50. It applies to any business storing, using, or handling hazardous materials. Hazardous materials are chemicals that pose a physical hazard (like fire or explosion) or a health hazard (like toxic or corrosive). The guideline treats waste as a hazardous material.

Spray Booth

The intent of this guideline is to provide the information necessary to ensure that the design and installation of spray booths will comply with the applicable provisions of the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC), 2022 California Building Code (CBC), 2022 California Electrical Code (CEC), 2022 California Mechanical Code (CMC), as adopted by the State of California, and locally adopted ordinances enforced by the City of Loma Linda, Loma Linda Fire Department (LLFD).

Fuel Mod

Managing the design and placement of vegetation in and around new structures will reduce the effects of a wildfire. For this reason, codes are adopted that require vegetation management and special construction features. The Fuel Modification Plan is a vegetation management code that requires landscaped areas adjacent to new structures be dedicated for permanent vegetation management activities. The Fuel Modification Program brings fire-safe landscaping and construction features together to improve community safety and reduce property loss during wildfire emergencies. This guideline provides you with the information and steps needed to prepare a Fuel Modification Plan and maintain vegetation in Fuel Modification areas for a successful long-term outcome. Furthermore, it covers the timing of plans for construction, plan criteria needed for approval, plant lists for the zones, new construction inspection requirements, and introductory maintenance information.

Commercial Cooking

This guideline has been prepared to assist those responsible for the design, installation, testing, and inspection of wet chemical fire extinguishing systems used to protect commercial cooking appliances to comply with 2021 NFPA 17A; 2020 NFPA 96; 2022 California Fire Code (CFC) Chapter 9, Section 904.5, 905.13; and the 2022 California Mechanical Code (CMC) Chapter 5. The information contained in this document is intended to promote compliance and to ensure that commercial type food heating and processing operations are adequately protected in the event of a grease fire.

Underground Piping

The provision of adequate water supplies and distribution systems for fire suppression is a fundamental component of risk reduction. The purpose of this guideline is to provide the basic information necessary to meet minimum requirements for the design and installation of private hydrant and/or sprinkler supply underground piping in accordance with the provisions of the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC), the 2022 California Building Code (CBC), and the 2019 editions of NFPA 24, 2022 NFPA 13, 2022 NFPA 13R, including California State amendments, and locally adopted amendments to these codes.

FD Access & Water

The effectiveness of emergency response and firefighting operations is directly related to the proper installation and maintenance of fire access roadways, the proper sitting of hydrants, adequate water supply, and access to structures. This document is a general guideline pertaining to the creation and maintenance of fire department access roadways, access walkways to and around buildings, and hydrant quantity and placement as required by the 2022 California Fire and Building Codes (CFC and CBC) and as amended by local ordinance.

High Piled Combustible Storage

The intent of this guideline is to provide the requirements for the protection of high-piled storage (HPS) for a variety of commodities. HPS increases the potential fire hazard within a structure by increasing the vertical height of storage and by providing stability of storage (e.g., rack and automated storage) in a fire situation. The following requirements will ensure that the minimum measures required by code have been taken to provide for the public safety and that the required protection of these commodities has been designed in accordance with Chapter 32 of the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC), the 2022 California Building Code (CBC) and locally adopted ordinances enforced by the Loma Linda Fire Department (LLFD)

Fire AM&M

This guideline is intended to provide direction for submitting requests for use of an alternative material or method of construction (AM&M) in accordance with the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC), Chapter 1, Section 104.10.

Fire Alarm

The purpose of this guideline is to facilitate the design and installation of these systems. The codes require plans (shop drawings) be submitted for review and approval by Loma Linda Fire Department (LLFD) for new, rehabilitated and modified systems, prior to installation.

Sprinkler Notes 13

Sprinkler Notes 13D

Sprinkler Notes 13R