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TheCityOfLoma LindaCalifornia

Save Our Water

Save Our Water Banner
    California is facing a severe drought and is asking you to help conserve our land's most precious resource: water! Here are a few suggestions you can try today to reduce your water usage by 10-20%:

  • Reduce sprinkler run times – try running each station for only 5-7 minutes at a time
  • Check for leaks in your home and landscaping
  • Remove grass in your yard, or just your parkway, and replace with drought tolerant/CA native plants     
  • Use a broom to clean driveways, sidewalk and patios, not a hose to wash down
  • Shorten showers and run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine
  • Turn water off when brushing teeth or shaving
  • Replace older appliances with new high-efficiency appliances (plus, you can get a rebate!)

    Visit the State's Water Resources Control webpage and the Save Our Water program for more tips, assistance, and information.