LLCCP (City Internet Service)

LLCCP Internet Provider's Reason for Outage 3/7/2024-3/10/2024

If you are currently on one of our Allied Telesyn Residential Gateways, you are qualified for an upgrade. At this time we can provide the equipment for the upgrade but you must install the equipment at your own discretion. We have put together this guide to assist on the process, click anywhere on this paragraph to view. 

The City of Loma Linda is preparing for the future with its Loma Linda Connected Community Program (LLCCP). The Program includes the deployment of an advanced city-wide fiber optic network as well as modifications to building regulations to ensure that development will be designed to meet the needs of future communication technologies. 

The City has completed the construction of its Network Operations Center and the first phase of the fiber network. The City building code now requires all new commercial and residential developments (or re-models involving greater than 50% of the structure) to equip the new structures with a fiber-optics interface and copper cabling throughout.

Empowering Broadband Consumers Through Transparency

What are Fiber-Optics?

We are all used to telephone wires and computer cables, and cable TV. Our conversations, data and television programs are transmitted over these lines by converting the information, sound and images to electrical signals that run along the copper wires inside the cables. Fiber-optic cables use very thin filaments (as thin as a single human hair) of glass instead of copper, and the signals are transmitted as light waves.

Fiber-optics are revolutionizing telecommunications because the technology has some very important advantages over copper cable:

  • Light Weight: Fiber-optic cable weighs approximately 132 lbs per kilometer. The twisted pair cable weighs approximately 16,000 lbs. This light weight makes fiber easier to handle and therefore less expensive to install than the equivalent of coaxial cable.
  • High Bandwidth: Fiber optics has been band-width tested at over 4-billion bits per second over a 100 km (60 miles) distance. Theoretical rates of 50-billion bits are obtainable. Because fiber has such a high theoretical maximum data rate capacity, it may have a lifespan of some 30 years, whereas copper cabling will probably have around 5-7.
  • Noise Immunity: Unlike wire systems, which require shielding to prevent electromagnetic radiation or pick-up, fiber-optic cable is a dielectric and is not affected by electromagnetic or radio frequency interference. The potential for lower bit error rates can increase circuit efficiency.
  • Transmission Security: Because the fiber is a dielectric the fiber does not radiate electro-magnetic pulses, radiation, or other energy that can be detected. This makes the fiber/cable difficult to find and methods to tap into fiber create a substantial system signal loss.
  • No Spark or Fire Hazard: Fiber optics provides a path for data without transmitting electrical current. For applications in dangerous or explosive environments, fiber provides a safe transmission medium.
  • Stable Performance: Fiber optics is affected less by moisture which means less corrosion and degradation. Therefore, no scheduled maintenance is required. Fiber also has greater temperature stability than copper systems.
  • Decreasing Costs: Costs are decreasing, larger manufacturing volumes, standardization of common products, greater repeater spacing, and proven effectiveness of older “paid for” technologies such as multimode. Also, given its light weight, ease of installation, reliability and very reduced need for maintenance, the lifespan costs of fiber are much less than copper with equivalent capacity.
  • No obsolescence: Expansion capabilities beyond current technologies using common fibers and transmission techniques.
Need for Speed

One of the primary advantages of fiber is its ability to support very high data speeds. This allows for not only faster internet connections, but enables one strand of fiber to carry data, voice and television signals simultaneously without affecting each other. In fact, the limiting factor of fiber is currently not the fiber itself, but the equipment it is connected to.

Taking advantage of the higher speeds (bandwidth) that the fiber infrastructure can provide, the City’s internet service is currently available with very fast connections. The figure below shows a comparison between the standard speeds available with local internet service providers for dial-up, DSL, and cable and how they stack up with the City’s offerings.


Internet - The City has run fiber optics to about 20% of the residential homes in Loma Linda. Several different levels of service are available, including those for residents and those for businesses. Businesses can request static IP addresses which allow them to be accessible from the Internet. 

Who Will Benefit from These Services?

The goal of the LLCCP is to provide advanced, fast, and reliable telecommunication services to residents and businesses in Loma Linda. These services will be provided and managed much like traditional utilities like water and sewer. Given the large scope of the project, it is necessary to deploy the network and services is phases. The initial phase included the creation of the Network Operations Center and the first ring of the fiber backbone. Residents in the Mission Trails development are currently enjoying broadband internet service utilizing the fiber-optic network. This quadrant was selected for the initial phase because it is much less expensive to install facilities and underground equipment and conduit during initial construction than it is to install these after roads and sidewalks have been paved. The developments supported by the final build-out of the Phase 1 fiber backbone will include Mission Trails, which is nearing completion now, Mission Lane and Mission Creek.

The Phase Two fiber backbone will encircle the south-east quadrant of the City. Developments supported by Phase Two will include Barton Vineyard, Park Lane, Shady Lane and Monarch Cove. Phases Three and Four will feed the north-west and south-west quadrants respectively. The precise timing of the deployment of the three remaining rings will be primarily determined by the interest level of the residents and businesses in those areas.

Residents and businesses interested in the Loma Linda Connected Community Program are encouraged to contact us (see below for contact information) and make us aware of the demand for service. The City is also happy work with businesses and residents that are located near an existing run of backbone, but outside the area supported by that ring, to connect to the nearby fiber for service until the backbone planned for their area is installed.